Aima Being QHHT

Aima Being

Quantum Being and QHHT
Level Two Practitioner

1629 K St Suite 300, N.W. Washington D.C. 20006

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is an ideal tool for bringing balance to anyone, regardless of their point in life or their walk in life, due to several key reasons:

  1. Universal Applicability: QHHT is not limited to addressing specific problems or conditions. It’s a versatile technique that can be beneficial for a wide range of individuals, catering to diverse backgrounds, experiences, and life stages.

  2. Deep Self-Discovery: The technique facilitates profound self-exploration, allowing individuals to delve into their subconscious and past lives. This exploration can unveil hidden aspects of oneself, leading to greater self-awareness and understanding.

  3. Life Purpose Clarity: QHHT can help individuals gain insights into their life purpose and direction. This clarity can be transformative, providing guidance and a sense of alignment with one’s true path.

  4. Emotional and Spiritual Healing: While it’s not exclusively a healing modality, QHHT can indirectly promote emotional and spiritual healing by uncovering and addressing deep-seated thoughts and beliefs.

  5. Stress Reduction and Relaxation: The process of QHHT involves entering a state of deep relaxation, which can help reduce stress and promote overall well-being.

  6. Empowerment and Personal Growth: By connecting with their higher self or subconscious, individuals often feel more empowered and motivated to make positive changes in their lives.

  7. Holistic Approach: QHHT considers the whole person — body, mind, and spirit — which is essential for achieving true balance and well-being.

QHHT Session by Aima Being: Green Heart Discount

5 to 6 Hours a Single Session
$ 350
  • Single session (5 to 6 hours)
  • In Person Session
  • Practitioner Aima Being QHHT
  • The interview process 2 Hours
  • The Past-Life Regression (PLR)
  • Debriefing process 30 minutes
  • Recording of PLR & SC Session

QHHT serves as a transformative tool to help individuals uncover the possible root causes of traumas from this life and previous lives. Moreover, QHHT aids in strengthening the connection with one’s higher self or soul, paving the way for profound healing. For a deeper dive into QHHT, please visit the official


QHHT stands apart by achieving the deepest level of hypnosis, known as the Somnambulistic state. This trance-like state is naturally experienced twice daily: right upon the cusp of waking and just before drifting into sleep. 


Discuss impactful experiences, past and present relationships, current challenges, health concerns, and questions for the Subconscious.

Guide through 1-3 past life journeys to understand lessons and events, including non-painful death experiences to clear residual emotion


Connect with the Higher Self for answers and healing. Address questions on career, health, relationships, current life, and spirituality.


Reflect on the session’s significance. Receive a session recording. Repeated listens unveil new insights.

Aima Being Services Offerings

Personalized Energetic Interface Patch (EIP) Tools

EIPs are intricate representations of prayers, intentions, and desires that are personalized for each individual in digital image. They serve as the focal point for the healing and conscious expansion process.

What's included

  • 30 minute call
  • Setting Intentions
  • Personalized EIP
  • EIP Digital Format Phone Wall Paper, Screen Saver, Portrait Poster
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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Aima Being

QHHT is a holistic technique combining past life regression and communication with the Subconscious, which can be thought of as the Higher Self or Universal Mind. The process involves a client consultation followed by guided relaxation and visualization to explore relevant past lives.

What's included

  • Single 5 to 6 hours session
  • The interview process 2 Hours
  • The Past-Life Regression (PLR) & Subconscious (SC) or Higher Self 2 Hours
  • Debriefing and integrating process 30 mins-1 hour
  • Recording of PLR & SC Session
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Group Past Life Regression Workshop with Aima Being

Group Past Life Regression Workshops offer an engaging introduction to past life regression. In these workshops, we delve into past lives, connect with Guides or Guardian Angels, and glimpse into your future Self. Prepare to uncover answers, experience profound transformations, and embark on an enlightening journey.

What's included

  • Group (2 or more people) 3 Hour session
  • Setting Intentions
  • The Past-Life Regression (PLR) & Subconscious (SC) or Higher Self 2 Hours
  • Debriefing and integrating process 3 to 4 hours
  • Cost per person
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