Explore the Sub Conscious

QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) is effective because it accesses the Theta brain wave state, which is the gateway to the subconscious mind. The Theta state is where the subconscious stores long-term memories and serves as a repository for unresolved issues, traumas, and emotional difficulties. It is within this state that deep self-healing occurs.

The Theta state is also the realm of creativity, intuition, and the “seat of the soul”—your central being or deeper core self. It is a wellspring of wisdom, insights, and information, where your true essence resides. By entering the Theta state, we tap into this inner reservoir, allowing creative insights and profound solutions to surface. This process naturally brings forth ways to resolve challenges and align with one’s higher purpose. In this beautiful spectrum within yourself, you have the power to access both the problems and their solutions, facilitating a transformative journey toward healing and self-discovery. To change your life you have to change your brain wave pattern

Anyone can achieve deep levels of hypnosis

People often enter the Theta brain wave state unknowingly during various everyday activities when their mind is in a relaxed, meditative, or deeply focused state. Here are some examples of when people naturally slip into Theta:



When you find yourself lost in thought or imagination, disconnected from the immediate environment, you are likely in the Theta state. Daydreaming often happens when you are relaxed or bored, allowing the subconscious mind to take over and drift into deeper thoughts.

Just Before Sleep or Upon Waking (Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic States):

The moments right before falling asleep (hypnagogic state) and just after waking up (hypnopompic state) are natural Theta states. During these times, the brain transitions between the conscious and subconscious, making it a fertile ground for creative thoughts, insights, and vivid imagery.

Deep Relaxation and Meditation:

While practicing deep relaxation techniques or meditation, particularly those focusing on breath or visualization, people often enter the Theta state. This is why meditation is known to bring deep insights, emotional healing, and a sense of peace

Repetitive Activities or “Flow” States:

Engaging in repetitive, monotonous activities such as jogging, driving on a long road, knitting, or washing dishes can induce a Theta state. The mind is relaxed and free to wander, which can lead to moments of creative thinking or problem-solving.

Watching Television or Listening to Music:

Watching television, especially when you become deeply engrossed in a show or movie, can also bring you into the Theta state. Similarly, listening to soothing music, binaural beats, or any repetitive rhythm can relax the mind into Theta, where you may feel more receptive and open to new ideas.

Prayer or Deep Spiritual Reflection:

During prayer or deep spiritual reflection, when one is connecting to a higher power or seeking guidance, the brain can easily enter the Theta state. This is why people often experience profound feelings of peace, clarity, and connection during such moments.

Moments of “Zoning Out”:

When you are physically present but mentally elsewhere, perhaps staring out a window or getting lost in your own thoughts during a meeting or lecture, you are often unknowingly entering a Theta state. This is when the subconscious begins to take over, and deeper, less obvious thoughts and feelings can arise.

Practicing Breathwork or Yoga Nidra:

Breathwork techniques that involve slow, deep breathing or specific patterns can help shift the brain into the Theta state. Yoga Nidra, a practice of conscious sleep, specifically aims to guide participants into Theta waves for deep relaxation and healing.

Playing with Children or Being Around Nature:

Engaging in child-like play or spending time in nature without distraction can bring the brain into a relaxed Theta state. This is often why people feel so rejuvenated and creatively inspired after such experiences.