Julie Schmitz QHHT Level One Intern

Baraboo, Wisconsin

We Are All Just Walking Each Other Home ~ Ram Dass

A Healer’s Journey : Offering Various Modalities and the Diverse Clients It Attracts By Julie Schmitz QHHT Level One Intern

Hello, fellow seekers and healers! Welcome to my practice, where I offer a range of healing modalities including QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), Natural Past Life Regression, Reiki, and Higher Self Coaching. I find myself constantly amazed by the variety of individuals who walk through my door. Each person comes with their own unique needs and stories, and the diversity of my services allows me to meet them exactly where they are in their personal journey. Here’s a glimpse into the types of clients I typically work with and how these modalities cater to their diverse needs. 

Many of my clients are what I’d call the “curious explorers.” They’re often new to the world of alternative healing and are intrigued by the idea of exploring deeper aspects of their psyche and spiritual path. They might start with something less intimidating, like a Reiki session to dip their toes into the energy healing waters, and gradually feel drawn to explore deeper modalities like past life regression or QHHT when they feel more comfortable.

Then, there are the seasoned spiritual seekers. These clients often have a deep understanding of their spiritual needs and come with specific goals in mind. They may choose Higher Self Coaching to further enhance their life’s path or delve into QHHT and past life regression to resolve deeper spiritual dilemmas. These clients appreciate the ability to tailor their healing journey across the different modalities I offer, often combining several to maximize their growth.

Another group I often see includes other healing professionals—therapists, counselors, and even medical doctors—who are looking to expand their own toolbox or seek personal healing. They resonate with modalities like Reiki and Higher Self Coaching, which they can integrate into their professional practices, or they seek personal breakthroughs via QHHT to better serve their own clients.

Life transitions can prompt an individual to seek out my services. Whether they’re going through a career change, relationship shifts, or personal transformations, many find Reiki helps manage their stress, while Higher Self Coaching provides them with guidance to navigate their new paths. Others may find past life regression or QHHT crucial for understanding the deeper karmic patterns influencing their life situations.

Lastly, there are those who come with specific physical or emotional ailments. Reiki is particularly popular with this group for its gentle yet effective approach to energy balancing and healing. Clients dealing with emotional blockages or unresolved trauma find QHHT and past life regression helpful in uncovering and healing the root causes of their discomfort.

By offering various healing modalities, I am able to engage with a wide array of individuals, each on their own unique path. This diversity enriches my practice and deepens my understanding of the human experience, allowing me to be a better healer. Whether someone is taking their first step into the world of healing or they’re deep on their path, I’m here to support them with the right tools for their journey. Here’s to healing, discovering, and transforming together!

I am of Service, much love Julie.