Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is considered revolutionary for addressing modern issues like weight gain, addictions, and anxiety because it accesses the subconscious mind to uncover and heal root causes rather than just addressing symptoms. QHHT is effective by guiding clients into the Theta brainwave state—a state where the subconscious stores long-term memories and unresolved traumas. Within this state, deep self-healing occurs.

The Theta state is also a realm of creativity, intuition, and connection to one’s core self, providing access to inner wisdom and insights. By entering this state, individuals can find creative solutions and align with their higher purpose, accessing both problems and solutions within themselves for a transformative healing journey. Changing one’s life starts with changing brainwave patterns.

Here are key reasons why QHHT is impactful for such modern challenges:

1. Access to the Subconscious Mind:

  • QHHT works by guiding clients into a deep state of relaxation, often referred to as the “Theta state,” where the subconscious mind is more accessible. This state allows clients to explore past experiences, emotions, and hidden memories that may be contributing to issues like weight gain, addiction, and anxiety. By identifying these root causes, profound healing can take place.

2. Healing Through Understanding and Release:

  • Many modern ailments are deeply rooted in unresolved traumas, emotional blockages, or limiting beliefs formed earlier in life or even in past lives. QHHT facilitates a process where these memories can be revisited, understood, and released. This release can result in the alleviation of symptoms, such as compulsive eating, cravings, or anxiety triggers.

3. Connection to Higher Self:

  • QHHT allows clients to connect with their Higher Self or Subconscious (SC), which holds profound wisdom and understanding of the individual’s life purpose, challenges, and lessons. The SC provides insights and guidance on what is needed to overcome issues like addiction, weight gain, or anxiety, often revealing spiritual or emotional imbalances that need attention.

4. Non-Invasive and Drug-Free Approach:

  • Unlike many conventional treatments for anxiety, addiction, or weight management that rely on medication, QHHT is a non-invasive, drug-free approach. This makes it particularly appealing to those seeking holistic or alternative methods of healing without the side effects of pharmaceuticals.


5. Empowerment and Self-Discovery:

  • QHHT sessions empower clients by giving them direct access to their subconscious wisdom. This self-discovery process often leads to significant personal realizations, resulting in lasting behavioral changes. For example, a client struggling with anxiety may discover a past trauma that triggers their fear response and, by releasing it, can begin to live with a newfound sense of peace.

6. Comprehensive Healing:

  • Unlike many therapies that focus solely on the mental or emotional aspects of a condition, QHHT addresses the mind, body, and spirit. This holistic approach can result in physical healing, emotional release, and spiritual growth, providing a more comprehensive resolution to ailments.

7. Tailored to Individual Needs:

  • Each QHHT session is unique and tailored to the individual’s specific needs by their own subconscious. This personalized approach ensures that the healing process directly addresses the unique patterns and subconscious programs affecting each client’s health and well-being.

8. Insights into Lifestyle and Behavioral Changes:

  • During a QHHT session, clients may receive specific guidance from their SC about lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, or other behaviors that need to be modified to support healing. This practical advice can be instrumental in managing weight, overcoming addictions, or reducing anxiety.

9. Root Cause Resolution Rather Than Symptom Management:

  • QHHT is focused on finding and resolving the root cause of an issue rather than just managing symptoms. For example, weight gain could be linked to a past-life experience of famine, or anxiety could stem from a traumatic event in early childhood. Once these roots are identified and healed, the symptoms often dissipate naturally.

Anxiety and Depression Quiz

Anxiety and Depression Quiz

1. How frequently do you experience anxiety or depressive symptoms?

Almost daily

2. Have you tried alternative methods to manage your mental health?

Yes, several
Yes, a few
Not yet
I’m unsure about alternatives

3. Do you feel there might be unresolved emotional issues affecting your mental health?

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

4. Are you open to exploring past life influences on your current emotional state?

Never considered it

5. How comfortable are you with the idea of hypnosis for emotional healing?

Very comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Not very comfortable

6. Do you believe accessing your subconscious can help alleviate anxiety or depression?

Strongly believe
Somewhat believe
Don’t believe

7. Have conventional treatments fully addressed your mental health concerns?

Not at all
Not really
Yes, completely

8. How important is finding a holistic approach to managing your mental health?

Extremely important
Somewhat important
Not important

9. Are you willing to try a hypnosis session for emotional well-being?

Not at all

10. How familiar are you with the concept of QHHT for mental health?

Very familiar
Somewhat familiar
Not very familiar
Not familiar at all

QHHT: A Solution for Anxiety & Depression

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) offers a unique approach to managing anxiety and depression by accessing the subconscious mind, where deeply rooted emotions and past experiences reside. Through guided hypnosis, QHHT helps our clients uncover and address the underlying causes of their mental health challenges, facilitating emotional release and transformation. This process can lead to profound insights, healing, and empowerment, enabling clients to find solution unique to them, to overcome anxiety and depression and achieve a state of mental clarity and peace. By tapping into the subconscious, QHHT provides a pathway to healing that is both holistic and transformative.

QHHT as complimentary solution

QHHT has assisted clients in various scenarios.  A client who was struggling with chronic pain and anxiety, while on traditional medical treatments, booked a QHHT as complimentary solution to alleviate some of symptoms that she was still facing. Under hypnosis, the client accessed a past life where they experienced a traumatic event that had left an energetic imprint on their present life. By understanding the connection between the past life experience and their current condition, the client was able to release the emotional trauma, leading to a significant reduction in pain and anxiety. This newfound freedom not only improved their physical health but also enhanced their emotional and mental well-being, allowing them to live a more balanced and joyful life.

Transforming deep-seated feelings of unworthiness and depression

In another QHHT session a client was dealing with deep-seated feelings of unworthiness and depression. During a QHHT session, they connected with their higher self, which revealed that these feelings stemmed from a lifetime of self-criticism and a lack of self-love. Through the process, the client received messages of unconditional love and acceptance, which helped them reframe their self-perception. As they integrated these insights, the client reported a dramatic shift in their mental health, experiencing increased self-esteem and happiness. By addressing the root causes of their emotional struggles and accessing the wisdom of their subconscious mind, the client found a path to lasting well-being and personal empowerment. 

Weight Issues and Eating Disorders Quiz

Weight Issues and Eating Disorders Quiz

1. How often do you struggle with weight or eating habits?

Almost daily

2. Have you tried various methods to manage your weight or eating habits?

Yes, many
Yes, a few
Not yet
I’m unsure about alternatives

3. Do you think emotional or subconscious factors affect your eating habits?

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

4. Are you open to exploring past life influences on your weight issues?

Never considered it

5. How comfortable are you with the idea of hypnosis for weight management?

Very comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Not very comfortable

6. Do you believe addressing subconscious patterns can help manage weight?

Strongly believe
Somewhat believe
Don’t believe

7. Have traditional approaches fully addressed your weight issues?

Not at all
Not really
Yes, completely

8. How important is finding a holistic approach to managing your weight?

Extremely important
Somewhat important
Not important

9. Are you willing to try a hypnosis session focused on eating habits?

Not at all

10. How familiar are you with QHHT for weight management?

Very familiar
Somewhat familiar
Not very familiar
Not familiar at all

QHHT: A Path to Healing Weight Challenges and Eating Disorders

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) offers a holistic approach to addressing weight challenges and eating disorders by exploring the subconscious mind, where emotional patterns and beliefs about food and body image are often formed. Through guided hypnosis, QHHT helps our clients uncover and resolve the underlying emotional factors contributing to their challenges with weight and eating habits. By addressing these root causes, our clients can experience emotional healing, release negative patterns, and develop a healthier relationship with food and their bodies.

This transformative process empowers our clients to achieve long-lasting change and well-being if so choosing, making QHHT a powerful tool for overcoming weight issues and eating disorders. Through QHHT sessions a number of our clients have been able to discover from their subconscious mind, that they have been using the extra weight as a form of protection. During hypnosis, our clients are able to access memories of past experiences where they had felt vulnerable and unsafe. In one example a client recalled a traumatic incident in their youth where they received unwanted attention that made feel threatened. Their unconscious mind (the body) had interpreted weight gain as a shield, creating a barrier to protect  them from similar experiences in the future.

Releasing Emotional Armor

Another client, a young man struggling with binge eating and weight gain, turned to QHHT to understand the emotional roots of his eating habits. During his session, he discovered that his subconscious mind had been using food as a form of emotional armor. Through deep exploration, he uncovered past memories of feeling abandoned and rejected in his childhood. The weight gain served as a buffer, insulating him from emotional pain and shielding him from the fear of further rejection.

As he connected with his higher self during the QHHT session, he received insights and messages of self-worth and acceptance. He learned that the need for protection through weight gain was no longer necessary. With the guidance of his higher self, he began to release the emotional armor and practice self-love and acceptance. This shift in perception allowed him to change his eating habits naturally, resulting in gradual and sustainable weight loss. By addressing the root emotional causes of his weight issues, he achieved a sense of inner peace and resilience, empowering him to move forward without the need for protection through excess weight.


Transformation to health relationship with body and food

A client Zara (name changed) had struggled with weight gain for most of her adult life. Despite numerous diet attempts and exercise regimens, she found herself gaining weight consistently. During a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session, Zara accessed her subconscious mind, revealing that her weight gain served as a protective shield. In a past life, Zara had experienced significant emotional trauma related to her appearance, which had left a lasting imprint on her soul. Her subconscious mind had associated being overweight with safety, as it prevented unwanted attention and emotional vulnerability.

Through the session, Zara confronted these past life experiences and the emotions tied to them. She learned to release the fear and trauma that were deeply rooted in her subconscious. With this newfound understanding, Zara was able to reframe her beliefs about her body and food. As she integrated these insights into her daily life, she noticed a shift in her eating habits and self-perception. She began to appreciate her body and made choices that supported her health and well-being. By addressing the emotional root causes of her weight gain, Zara experienced profound healing, shedding the emotional and physical weight that had burdened her for years

Addictions Quiz

Addictions Quiz

1. How often do you find yourself craving addictive substances or behaviors?

Almost daily

2. Have you tried different methods to overcome your addiction?

Yes, many
Yes, a few
Not yet
I’m unsure about alternatives

3. Do you think emotional or subconscious factors contribute to your addiction?

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

4. Are you open to exploring past life influences on your addiction?

Never considered it

5. How comfortable are you with the idea of hypnosis for addiction treatment?

Very comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Not very comfortable

6. Do you believe addressing subconscious patterns can help overcome addiction?

Strongly believe
Somewhat believe
Don’t believe

7. Have conventional treatments fully addressed your addiction concerns?

Not at all
Not really
Yes, completely

8. How important is finding a holistic approach to overcoming addiction?

Extremely important
Somewhat important
Not important

9. Are you willing to try a hypnosis session for addiction recovery?

Not at all

10. How familiar are you with QHHT for addiction recovery?

Very familiar
Somewhat familiar
Not very familiar
Not familiar at all
Conscious Awakening and Spiritual Gifts Quiz

Conscious Awakening and Spiritual Gifts Quiz

1. How often do you feel intense energy surges through your body?

Almost daily

2. Have you tried different practices to enhance your spiritual gifts?

Yes, many
Yes, a few
Not yet
I’m unsure about practices

3. Do you believe that subconscious blocks affect your spiritual awakening?

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

4. Are you open to exploring past life influences on your spiritual path?

Never considered it

5. How comfortable are you with the idea of using meditation for spiritual awakening?

Very comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Not very comfortable

6. Do you believe integrating higher consciousness can enhance your life purpose?

Strongly believe
Somewhat believe
Don’t believe

7. Have traditional methods fully addressed your spiritual awakening needs?

Not at all
Not really
Yes, completely

8. How important is finding a holistic approach to your spiritual journey?

Extremely important
Somewhat important
Not important

9. Are you willing to try guided meditation to activate spiritual gifts?

Not at all

10. How familiar are you with conscious awakening processes?

Very familiar
Somewhat familiar
Not very familiar
Not familiar at all