Welcome to the World of Quantum Being Activation Energetic Interface Patch (EIP)

As Aima Being, we blend the mystique of ancient wisdom with the precision of modern technology to offer you a unique healing experience. Our Quantum Being Activation Energetic Interface Patch (EIP) is not just a healing tool; it’s a journey towards rediscovering your true self.

Energetic Interface Patch (EIP) left to right 

  • I am noticed and I am Loved (pink)
  •  Forgiveness EIP 
  • Heal family relationships 

What is EIP?

Imagine a tool that speaks directly to your innermost being, bypassing the chatter of the conscious mind to awaken the wisdom of the body. That’s what our EIP does. It’s a digital representation of complex thought forms in one image, that your sub conscious can understand. An EIP can be used be in various ways, as phone wall paper, screensaver, a customized cushion. EIP is a concentrated form of prayer and intention, designed to reconnect you with your original, unblemished state.


How Does EIP Work?

EIP works by combining several powerful elements:

  • Sacred Geometry: Patterns that are the building blocks of our universe, embedded in the design.
  • Angelic Guidance: Invoking spiritual support for deeper healing.
  • Healing Solfeggio Frequencies: Sounds that promote healing and transformation.
  • Chi Rho Consciousness & ‘I am Presence’: Awakening the divine within.
  • Unity of Being: Reminding us of our interconnectedness.
  • Crystalline Matrix Support: Harnessing the pure energy of crystals.
  • Quantum Being Activation: Expanded consciousness 


Aima’s journey into developing EIPs began with a series of remarkable and spiritually awakening experiences. It was during one such dream experience that  Aima Being found themselves in the company of light beings, entities beyond the constraints of physical form, yet profoundly real in their energetic presence. In this dreamlike encounter, Aima was imparted with a profound message that would shape their path forever.


Aima’s Journey and the Birth of EIP

Aima Being’s path to developing EIP was marked by profound spiritual encounters and insights. In a transformative dream, Aima met with ethereal beings who imparted a powerful message: “You cannot sit with someone in discomfort when you have the means to remove it.” This message inspired the creation of EIP – a digital representation of healing intentions, designed to transform and uplift.


Crystalline Energy

At the core of EIP is the belief that our thoughts and intentions are powerful. By directing these with clarity and purpose, we can create profound changes. EIP is our way of harnessing this power to help you break free from old patterns and embrace higher states of consciousness.


Quantum Being and the Essence of EIP

Aima Being’s exploration into Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) revealed a deeper aspect of their essence – a Quantum Being. This understanding infuses EIP with a dynamic approach to healing, expanding consciousness, and promoting spiritual growth.


EIP: A Catalyst for Transformation

EIP is more than a healing technique; it’s a gateway to personal transformation and spiritual awakening. It’s about unlocking your potential, shedding limiting beliefs, and healing holistically.

Order your personalized EIP is digital representation of complex prayers thought forms in one image

Aima Being: An Enlightened Path from Legal Expertise to Quantum Healing

Embark on a transformative journey with Aima Being, whose life story is as compelling as the spiritual services she offers. Based in the hub of policy and progress, Washington D.C., Aima’s narrative weaves through the corridors of power to the esoteric pathways of spiritual enlightenment.

A Foundation in Critical Thinking and Law

Aima’s academic prowess, with master’s degrees in Law & Government and International Development, along with an MBA, provided her with a formidable foundation in critical analysis and strategic thinking. Her impressive career is marked by high-level roles where she harnessed her intellect to navigate complex legal and governmental structures.

Spiritual Awakening: Dreams to Clairaudience

From early childhood, Aima experienced profound spiritual encounters, initially through vivid dreams that charted a course beyond the ordinary. These experiences, once a curiosity, evolved into a deeper, more intrinsic part of her life as she developed a keen sense of clairaudience. Aima’s path to spiritual awakening has been marked by an unshakeable sense of knowing—a guidance that transcends logic and speaks to a greater alignment with the universe.

A Conduit of Quantum Healing

In the midst of her demanding career, Aima has embraced her calling as a QHHT practitioner, guiding individuals through the transformative power of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. Her sessions offer a sanctuary for the soul, a place where the rigors of high-stakes careers are met with the serenity of spiritual depth.

Activating the Quantum Being

As an activator of violet rays, Aima Being has developed a distinctive approach to healing and growth. She channels the Quantum Being Activation, harnessing the etheric properties of violet light to catalyze change and awaken the deepest layers of the subconscious.

For the Seeker in Every Professional

Aima Being represents the convergence of professional excellence and spiritual ascendance. Her journey is a testament to the harmony that can be achieved between worldly success and spiritual fulfillment. For those in leadership and demanding roles, Aima’s insights offer not just solace but a strategic edge—a way to integrate the spiritual with the practical for unparalleled clarity and purpose.

Invitation to Transformation

Whether you are a policymaker, an entrepreneur, or a professional at the crossroads of change, Aima Being invites you to explore the quantum depths of your existence. Discover a more profound sense of self, a clearer vision for your path, and a redefined approach to life’s challenges.

Embrace the journey with Aima Being—a voyage that promises not just answers, but a reawakening.

12 Strand DNA Activator I am Presence Merkaba 

Take the first step to integrating with your higher-self, all levels of you, for richer tapestry of life of abundance, health and flow, as directed by your highest passion.