Rosalyn QHHT Level One Practitioner

Mongu and Lusaka, Zambia

Hello, I am Rosalyn a Level One QHHT Practitioner, a wife, a devoted mother of four, one is an angel in spirit. My life is a tapestry of love, resilience, and unwavering dedication. Beyond my therapeutic endeavors, I am a passionate small-scale farmer, nurturing the land and its bounties with the same care and affection I bestows upon my clients and family. I offer in person -QHHT Sessions: Tailored one-on-one sessions that guide clients through past life regressions, and profound healing processes. I am also offer Group Sessions, which Harnessing the collective energy of group dynamics to facilitate shared healing experiences.

Bringing Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) to Zambia: A Journey Towards Inner Healing with Rosalyn QHHT Level One Intern

In the heart of Zambia, amidst its vibrant cultures and breathtaking landscapes, lies an untapped potential for profound personal transformation and healing. It is here, inspired by the rich tapestry of life and the resilient spirit of its people, that I felt a deep calling to introduce the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) – a unique pathway to inner healing and self-discovery.

Why I am Offering QHHT

QHHT is more than just a therapeutic practice; it’s a voyage into the deepest realms of the subconscious, where the wisdom of past experiences and the guidance of one’s higher self reside. Developed by Dolores Cannon, this technique has the power to unlock the mysteries of the mind, offering insights and resolutions to life’s myriad challenges. Its time to have conversations on healing.

So, why Zambia, you might ask?

The answer lies in the very essence of this beautiful country. Zambia is a land of untold stories, of voices waiting to be heard, and of souls yearning for a deeper connection with themselves and the world around them. It’s a place where the traditional meets the modern, where the community’s strength can become a powerful catalyst for individual transformation.

By offering QHHT sessions in Zambia, I aim to provide a bridge to this profound inner journey, making it accessible to all who seek healing and enlightenment. This technique is not just about revisiting past lives; it’s about unlocking the potential within each of us to lead more fulfilling, purposeful lives. It’s about healing not only the individual but also weaving this healing back into the fabric of our communities, fostering a deeper sense of unity and compassion.

QHHT sessions with Rosalyn, are designed to be safe, inclusive, and profoundly transformative. They maintain the Dolores Cannon method, settings are respectful and resonate with the unique cultural and spiritual landscape of Zambia, ensuring that every journey is as individual as the person undertaking it. I believe its time to tap into the collective wisdom and resilience of the Zambian people, we can facilitate a form of healing that is both deeply personal and expansively collective.

I invite you to join me Rosalyn, nickname Rose, on this remarkable journey. Whether you’re seeking answers, healing, or a deeper connection with your higher self, QHHT offers a gateway to a world of possibilities. Together, let’s unlock the doors to our inner selves and discover the boundless potential that lies within.

Welcome to a new chapter in your life’s story. Welcome to QHHT in Zambia with Rosalyn Level One Practitioner .

  • Cultural Resonance and Understanding: Rosalyn’s deep insight into Zambian culture and traditions ensures sessions are empathetic and respectful, enhancing client comfort and relevance.
  • In-Person Connectivity: The necessity of in-person sessions ensures deep trust, safety, and the ability to respond to subtle cues, crucial for effective therapy.

  • Access to Transformative Healing: Clients gain insights into past, present, and potential futures, leading to significant emotional and spiritual growth under Rosalyn’s guidance.
  • A Journey of Self-Discovery: Empowering clients to connect with their inner wisdom and Higher Self, Rosalyn facilitates a journey of self-discovery and transformation in a culturally resonant and supportive setting.
  • Personalized and Empathetic Approach: Tailored sessions in a safe, supportive environment allow for profound exploration and healing, with Rosalyn’s holistic understanding bridging modern and traditional perspectives.

About Rosalyn QHHT Level One Intern 

Rosalyn is a distinguished Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) practitioner based in Zambia, celebrated for being the first and sole QHHT professional in the nation.

Hailing from the serene town of Mongu, she extends her invaluable services to both her hometown and the bustling city of Lusaka. Rosalyn embarked on her profound healing journey driven by a deep-seated desire to foster healing within herself and her cherished family.