Stephanie Ludlow QHHT

Stephanie Ludlow, QHHT Level 1 Intern

Pahrump, Nevada USA

~ I used to be afraid of the dark until I learned I am the Light and the dark is afraid of me...

Hello, I’m Stephanie Ludlow, a QHHT Level 1 Intern based in Pahrump, Nevada. My journey into the realm of healing and self-discovery began in 2020, a year many of us will remember as a turning point in our lives. For me, it was the year I started to emerge from the long shadows I had lived under, reconnecting with a part of myself I thought was lost forever—my true self.

My Awakening

Living in darkness was something I had grown uncomfortably comfortable with until I realized that the darkness never served my greater good. It took several tough life lessons coming to a head for me to see that I needed to change. My path to self-love and care wasn’t easy, but as I began to embrace the light, it breathed new life into me, reviving the parts of my spirit that had been dormant.

Discovering Dolores and QHHT

In 2022, Dolores Cannon, a name synonymous with groundbreaking work in hypnosis and past life regression, came across my social media feed. Initially, I was skeptical. However, her persistent presence and the familiar warmth she exuded, reminiscent of my grandmother, piqued my curiosity. I decided to delve into her book, The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, with an open mind and a childlike wonder. This book, among her many others, opened my eyes to the possibilities of healing and the profound impact of understanding our true capabilities as beings.

What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)?

QHHT is a meditation technique that allows individuals to access a deeper part of themselves—often referred to as the Higher Self, the Over Soul, or the Super Conscious. This method, developed by Dolores Cannon, involves a state of visual meditation induced through hypnosis, facilitating a connection to this higher consciousness. During a session, clients are guided through past life regressions which can reveal the origins of present challenges and illuminate the path to overcoming them.

The Power of Belief and Healing

As a practitioner, my role is to facilitate these sessions, guiding clients to uncover answers and achieve clarity on their inner work and healing. The true beauty of QHHT lies in its simplicity and the profound revelations it can unearth. The healing process begins with belief—the belief that all answers lie within us and that when we seek better for ourselves, the universe responds in kind.

It’s not about asking how help will come; it’s about showing gratitude when it arrives, trusting that the universe, source, or god is shifting things in our favor.


Contact Me

If you’re drawn to exploring deeper aspects of your being or if you’re seeking healing that transcends conventional methods, I invite you to reach out. Together, we can embark on a journey of discovery and healing, finding the light that is inherently yours. Never doubt that you are the light, and when you shine brightly, the darkness will no longer have power over you.

Join me in transforming from dark to light, because, as I’ve learned firsthand, hindsight truly is 2020. Let’s rediscover YOU.


~ May the Source be with you…

Stephanie Ludlow, QHHT Practitioner, Level 1 Intern, Pahrump, Nevada, USA


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is an ideal tool for bringing balance to anyone, regardless of their point in life or their walk in life, due to several key reasons:

  1. Universal Applicability: QHHT is not limited to addressing specific problems or conditions. It’s a versatile technique that can be beneficial for a wide range of individuals, catering to diverse backgrounds, experiences, and life stages.

  2. Deep Self-Discovery: The technique facilitates profound self-exploration, allowing individuals to delve into their subconscious and past lives. This exploration can unveil hidden aspects of oneself, leading to greater self-awareness and understanding.

  3. Life Purpose Clarity: QHHT can help individuals gain insights into their life purpose and direction. This clarity can be transformative, providing guidance and a sense of alignment with one’s true path.

  4. Emotional and Spiritual Healing: While it’s not exclusively a healing modality, QHHT can indirectly promote emotional and spiritual healing by uncovering and addressing deep-seated thoughts and beliefs.

  5. Stress Reduction and Relaxation: The process of QHHT involves entering a state of deep relaxation, which can help reduce stress and promote overall well-being.

  6. Empowerment and Personal Growth: By connecting with their higher self or subconscious, individuals often feel more empowered and motivated to make positive changes in their lives.

  7. Holistic Approach: QHHT considers the whole person — body, mind, and spirit — which is essential for achieving true balance and well-being.